Thursday, January 1, 2009

About Us

Here's a little bit more info about the people behind the site, Becca and Susanna. If you want to know anything else in particular, drop us an email!


Age: 15 (January 20th)
House: Gryffindor
Nationality: Scottish / British
Fav Potter Book: Half Blood Prince & Deathly Hallows
About: Hey! I'm Susanna, the genius (ha!) behind this site. I love Harry Potter, and I've been reading the stories for eleven years now. At first my Dad read them to me, then I found he went too slow and he kept putting off reading the fourth one so i just went on and read them myself. I must have read them all about 50 times or something. I LOVE Pottercast!

I write stories a lot - I enjoy writing short stories, though they're something I don't actually enjoy reading that much, which is a bit strange. I would love to be an author when I'm older, and there is the roots of a story lying in a cobweb laden box in the back of my head which I'd love to take back out and do something with. It is, like Harry Potter, a fantasy based on teenagers and the fight between good and evil. I wont say much though because I'm still making it up!


Age: 14 (July 4th)
House: Ravenclaw
Nationality: English / British
Fav Potter Book: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
About: Bonjour, believe it or not, I'm Becca and ignore Susanna - I'M THE GENIUS! Anyway, I guess I should talk about me a tad more, here we go:

I'm Rebecca. I'm fourteen years old and I'm from a little village in England who's name you don't need to know. I am in year ten at school studying for my GCSE's. Suprisingly, I'm a huge Harry Potter fan (betcha din't see that one coming). I'm been into it since about the first film (I know, bad girl.) and was hooked onto the books immediately afterwards. Schoolwise, I'm studying maths, english, science, RS, PE, ICT, History and Photography. I'm a smart cookie :). Anywho, I think it's time I stop space-hogging and end this little "autobiography" here and now.
Au reviour :)